Apr 27, 2021
Jessie Shedden is an author and a mindset/confidence coach.
She grew up as a member of what is considered by many to be a cult, the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. The church rejects all claims that they are a cult and describes themselves as a “mainstream Christian Church”, but as we speak to Jessie, you can make your own determination as to their structure.
As a 4th generation member Jessie shares some of the things that occurred while a part of the church and how she helped her dad with some the businesses he looked to launch as a member as well as what her life was like up to the point she decided to leave.
Jessie recently lost her mother and the relationships that she once had with other family members, including her father are now tumultuous or non-existent.
Her focus has shifted to seeing herself as a powerful, strong, blessed and wealthy woman, coming from a situation where everything was run by men and women were viewed as subservient, meek and quiet.
Books she would recommend are Take the Risk by Ben Carson and The 6 Pillars of Self Esteem by Nathaniel Branden.
You can buy her books about her own experiences, Tomorrow’s Not Promised: Mistress of her own Destiny here and Those Boots are Made for Walking: One Woman’s Quest for Freedom here.